Why Nigerians are not afraid of HIV, sex related diseases

By Oreva Godwin

Let’s Talk about the alarming rate at which people are testing positive to HIV and the high rate of sexually transmitted diseases. Today, we shall examine why HIV can never reduce in our society, but rather increase day by day.

A lot of people keep asking if people are no longer scared of getting infected? Is it true that there are cures for most sexually transmitted infection, STI? Why are people so careless? What is really going on? I have everyone covered.

The report of the Nigeria HIV/Aids Indicator and Impact Survey, NAIIS, shows that Akwa ibom State has the highest prevalence rate of HIV in Nigeria with 5.5%, followed by Benue State, which has about 5.3% prevalence rate.

So, with all the awareness going on in the country, why is HIV increasing and not reducing? One of the reasons for the prevalence is the use of Kayamata. It may be unbelievable, but true. Ordinarily , there are two types of Kayamata; the one meant for ladies to apply to their privates and release their God given fluid and the one used to tie men and get them to do whatever they want from such men.

Kayamata that can tie a man must be used without protection. Most married women also use this too; to tie their husbands, but thats not the focus. For the Kayamata to work, you have to engage in non protective sex to catch the man. That’s how the charm works. Kayamata vendors using the cover up that its just herbs smile to the bank. Do herbs make men do the things they would never do? Probably. But they are risking their health in the process. It’s worst when sex is done with multiple partners. Is the money worth risking one’s health?

For some of the men who have unprotected sex, it is for diabolical purposes. The aim often is to make money and obtain power. Most of them are told by marabouts and juju priests to sleep with the ladies and steal their glory. Come on, this is Africa. It’s nothing new. We all know about fetish powers.

It’s saddening how ignorant people can be. And they fail to realise that you can get all the money and power in the world, but this fetish means won’t protect you from HIV or STI.

Another factor for the increase in the prevalence is the rampant HIV test kits used at home by people before having sex. Yes, research has shown that it takes three months before the virus becomes visible and can be seen in the blood sample when tested. That means before they become manifest, the tests will indicate that you are negative when tested. The virus cannot be transmitted to the next person, when its not yet active.

A man meets a girl and runs a test and it shows negative, but she is a carrier, unknown to him. Because the virus is yet to manifest,. But, after three months of unprotected sex and exposure to the same partner, they become infected. The woman passes the virus to her sex partner. Don’t forget they ran a test few months ago and with the belief that she is negative, the man and woman keeps having unprotected sex, not knowing that danger lies ahead.

That’s the tricky thing about the virus. They never manifest immediately you are infected. It takes time; three months before you can confirm. Yes, life is a risk, but is your health worth taking a risk for?

There is a big man I met him when I newly relocated to a new town. We were having a conversation and he brought up a discussion about sex and he said “I can never sleep with a girl with protection”. He added: “It’s like licking candy without unwrapping it. How will you know the taste of the sweet?” With such mindset, can HIV reduce or will it increase?

Withdrawal method is another reason for the increase of STI. Research has shown that when a man makes love to a woman and do not ejaculate inside the woman, it reduces his chances of contacting the virus, because that is when the body is open to contact the virus. But research has not said that withdrawal method reduces the risk of STI; only HIV. But the rate at which people sleep around with random partners, just because withdrawal method is said to be 100% proof, amazes me. STI can only be prevented with protected sex. Mere rubbing the male genitals on that of a woman can result in transmission of disease. Especially if the lady is wet.

Making love to a lady that is not wet poses a higher risk of getting infected with the virus. So make sure its very wet or best still, use a lubricant. Once there is a cut, as a result of dryness, it serves as an opening. If any of you is infected with the virus, rest assured it will be transmitted. Not withstanding your withdrawal method was 100%.

I know a nurse close to my area. Once, when I was a bit under the weather, I went to her for medication and I saw a young man, about 30 years old, taking injection. As soon as the young man left, I engaged the lady. I had earlier noticed that young guys with big cars always came to her and I was curious to know why. She opened up that they often come to get treated for STI.

Of course , the nurse revealed that she was cashing out from the treatment of these boys with big cars. She said some of the boys come for treatment of STI four times in a month. And when I asked if she does not advise them, she replied in the affirmative, but revealed that they often retorted that sex with protection was not enjoyable. Some of them say they do use protection, but in the heat of passion, pull out the protection. But, how can you treat yourself for STI four times in a month? Are you not afraid that the body could become unresponsive to antibiotics? Beats my imagination.

I also know a girl who prides about using Kayamata. She can’t have sex without applying the diabolic charm. She uses it before having sex with her boyfriend and sugar daddies. The lady practically treats herself for STI almost every week. She does not blame any of the multiple partners, beause she can’t tell who really infected her. And some of these partners have wives and other side chicks with whom they also have unprotected sex with. The circle goes on.

The results of DNA paternity tests that have come out lately, show that most men are not the biological fathers of their kids. It’s a reflection of the rate at which people Indulge in unprotected sex.

A typical African man will say “all die na die”, but some deaths can be avoided. Let’s protect our health and save this generation from untimely death.

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